A partnership of national organisations working to raise awareness of the importance of
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Maths Stories
Find out how learners are taking action to improve their maths.
Community of practice
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Maths Champions
If you are a maths intermediary, volunteer, tutor or teacher, join our community of practice and share your thoughts with others.
Courses & Resources
We've developed and sourced a number of online courses, videos and resources to help you learn, teach and find out more about improving your maths or the maths of others.
Apps & Mobile Learning
Maths is something we all use every day just like, for many of us, our smartphones. Find out what apps can help you learn or teach maths
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from the palm of your hand.
Buy our fantastic new resource that helps parents and carers take a more active role in their children's maths learning at school by providing ideas and activities to do at home.